Dietech Plus
Takes the Lite program and adds in the menu, allowing the meal tickets to print out only the dislikes and likes that pertain to that meal.
Tray card software system that prints a meal ticket with the resident’s specific items (drinks, food, allergies, adaptive equipment and special requests). Meal ticket list resident’s likes and dislikes for the current day and mealtime. Great for a facility that is looking to replace their outdated manual card system or taking the first step into an electronic system. Generate tallies for Meal, Beverage, Nourishment or Thickener with ease. Meal tickets can be printed in color, in different sizes, and ordered by room, facility order or alphabetical. General intake study for fluids/solids/supplements. Professional looking Nutritional Assessments can be completed within the program that includes labs, weights, and medications. Helps decrease charting time. Tube feeding calculations and reports are all at your fingertips. The program works well for nursing homes, assisted living, and long term post acute care.

Meal/Tray Tickets
Resident Data Grid

Meal Pattern/Standing Orders

Menu Cycle

Nourishment Labels
Meal & Nourishment Acceptance

Significant Weight Gain/Loss Report

Intake Study
Tube Feed