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Resident Data Grid (Ribbon)

New. This is were you add in a New Resident.Required information for adding in a new resident.
a. Admit Date
b. Resident ID (if you do not use resident ID's you can remove from settings).
c. First and Last name.
d. Room number
e. Birthday
a. Admit Date
b. Resident ID (if you do not use resident ID's you can remove from settings).
c. First and Last name.
d. Room number
e. Birthday
Open. Allows you to Modify a residents information (make changes).
Delete. This will allow you to remove a resident from the Resident Data Grid. Once you remove the resident they will go into your Managed file (number 8). The information on the resident will stay in managed until you remove the resident out permanently.
Assign Tray Line. When you enter in a resident and you didn't know their assignment for when they will be taking their meals you can go here and add the information in for the resident.
Global. This area is used to create Meal Pattern Items and Adjustments that are used all of the time. Once created in this section you can use them for other residents as well. It is a time saver.
Visualizer. Clicking on this will allow you to look at a Residents Tray ticket. It lets you see what is on the tray ticket for a specific meal. From here you can go to the Explain Ticket to see why certain items are on a tray ticket or not on it. From the Visualizer you can print out the residents tray ticket (s).
Discharge. This function allows you to discharge a resident if they will be out of the facility for a while but will be coming back. Discharging a resident will hold their place in tray line. It also stops tray tickets and nourishment labels from printing out. Once the resident returns highlight the residents name and instead of saying Discharge it will say Readmit. Click on the Readmit. The tray tickets and nourishment labels will print out again for the resident.
Manage. When a resident is deleted out of the resident data grid they are moved here. If you want to permanently remote the resident you do it from this section. Once removed from here you can no longer get any information back on the resident.
Entry. This is were you go to enter in a residents choices if they are on a selective menus.
Touch. This is where you would click if you go around to the individual residents to take their meal requests using a laptop or tablet.
Guest. Here you can add in if a resident will have a guest joining them for a meal. It give you 2 Options. Quick Add lets you add in a generic guest(s) for a resident. If you choose the New Guest this will allow you to enter in the guest name and more information about the guest such as allergies, a diet order and what meal the will be eating with the resident.For both options you can set it up for one time or you can set at recurring.
Find. From here you can search for a resident, a specific diet or consistency.
Print. Under Print it allows you print out a few different reports. It allows you print out a Extended Resident List. The extend list shows the Resident Name, Diet Order, Allergies, Adaptive Equipment and Feeding Status, Room Number/Unit.You can also print out a Discharged Resident List, Water Pass. If you chick on the drop down arrow you will get the options to print a Resident List with Name, Diet Order, Birthday, Age and Height either alphabetical or by unit/floor, if the information is entered in for the resident. Also from here it gives you the ability to print out a residents Cardex. The Cardex lets you print a few reports. You can print out the Lab Data, Meal Pattern, Problem/Goals/Approach and Progress Notes.
Support/Help. Clicking here connects you directly to tech support without going on to the internet or having to go out of the program.